Frequently Asked Questions
How many students attend Loreto Normanhurst?
Over 1200 students make up our Primary (Year 5-6), Secondary (Year 7-12) and Boarding (Year 7-12) cohorts. We offer boarding to over 200 boarders. Please see more about our Boarding Community here.
How do I visit the school? What Enrolment related events are important to attend?
- We offer Twilight Tours of the Primary School, Secondary Campus and the Boarding School. Please review our tour offerings here.
- Boarding Tours are offered on a weekly basis and are available to book on our website.
Click here to view tour dates. - We also encourage families to attend Open Day held annually in March. Ideally attendance to an Open Day should be well in advance of the enrolment process commencing in order to prepare a family to accept a place if offered. This event will also assist all families in determining if they wish to make an application and secure a place on the waiting list. View our enrolment process here.
Families can also view a virtual tour of our Primary, Secondary and Boarding Schools at any time by clicking here.
Do we have to be Catholic to apply?
- The school accepts applications from varied faith backgrounds. In selecting students for enrolment at the School, primary consideration will be given to families who have congruence with Catholic values and the ethos of the School.
- Parents wishing for a place at the School for their daughter are expected to have an understanding of, and a commitment to all that a Loreto Normanhurst education represents.
To view our enrolment guidelines, please click here.
When should I enrol my daughter?
We encourage the early submission of applications (accepted from birth) in order to maximise the opportunity to gain entry. Click here for more information.
What are the key steps to enrol my daughter?
- There are five key steps to enrolling your daughter. Click here for more information.
- Make the initial application for enrolment for your daughter and any/all siblings (as early as possible).
- The Enrolment process (the considerations of applications already received) commences two and a half years in advance for our Year 5 and Year 7 intake; and one year in advance for all other years.
- Prepare to engage in the Parent Information Event at the start of the enrolment process as this outlines the School offerings at the point of commencement.
- Ensure all Enrolment documentation is provided upon request.
- If invited to an interview, attendance for both parents and their daughter is essential.
- Subject to the successful completion of the interview, an offer of a place may be made shortly thereafter.
- Prepare for and engage in the Orientation Program that commences in the second half of the year preceding commencement.
What are the fees?
To view our fees schedule, please click here.
Do you have city boarding options?
Yes. We offer fulltime boarding with full flexibility on weekends. This model of boarding can take some of the pressure off busy family life and help students meet their academic and extra-curricular commitments. Click here to read more about Boarding at Loreto Normanhurst.
Does the school offer bursaries and scholarships?
Yes. The school offers Bursaries and Indigenous Scholarships. Click here for more information.
How can my daughter travel to and from the school?
- Loreto Normanhurst is well served by a private bus service and public transport with an internal Drop-off/Pick-up zone inside the school grounds for both private and public bus services.
- The School has six dedicated private school buses that service Lane Cove/North Ryde, Drummoyne/Gladesville, The Hills District, Arcadia, Mosman/North Shore and Northern Beaches.
- The school also offers a Metro Shuttle Bus from Cherrybrook.
Click here for more information on how you can travel to and from Loreto Normanhurst.
What is learning like at Loreto Normanhurst?
- The award-winning Loreto Normanhurst Student Growth Model focuses on the development of students in a holistic sense, utilising the key areas of Faith, Academic, Community and Extra-Curricular (FACE Curriculum) to focus on individual student growth. This model of education is innovative and dynamic and fosters critical thinking, curiosity and joy in learning.
- Click here for more information about Learning in Primary, and click here for more information about Learning in Secondary at Loreto Normanhurst.
- Loreto Normanhurst offers Diverse Learning to assist students with additional learning needs to achieve the best educational outcomes within a collaborative and supportive community. Click here to find out more about Diverse Learning.
What are the pastoral care and wellbeing programs?
- Pastoral Care at Loreto Normanhurst is about knowing, nurturing and developing each student to achieve her personal potential. Our vertical pastoral care structures provide a student-centred and caring educational environment where students are well known as individuals within their House groups.
- Click here for more information about Pastoral Care in Primary and click here for more information about Pastoral Care in Secondary.
What Extra-Curricular activities are available?
Click here to view the full range of Extra-Curricular activities on offer.
What sports do you offer?
- The School offers an extensive array of sports which cater for girls of all skill levels. Representative pathways are provided by IGSA (Independent Girls Schools Association), IPSHA (Independent Primary School Heads of Australia), and NSW CIS (Combined Independent Schools).
- Click here to view the full range of sports on offer.
Loreto Normanhurst also offers swim coaching for fitness and squad training, you can find out more here.
Is Saturday Sport compulsory?
- Sport is encouraged for all students and the participation rate for day and boarding students is high.
Saturday Sport is compulsory for boarders in Year 7-10 and we find our participation rate remains high through to Year 12.
What uniform does my daughter require?
The Uniform Shop stocks uniforms for both Primary and Secondary students. Click here to view the uniform requirements.
What are the normal school hours?
Primary: 8:25am - 3:00pm
Secondary: 8:25am - 3:15pm
When are the school holidays?
Click here to view the term dates.
Does my daughter require her own laptop?
Primary students participate in the 1:1 device program and all primary students will be provided with a school device for their personal use.
Secondary students will be provided with a school laptop and protective bag which is to be used at all times. The laptop is a school-owned device which is to last three years of schooling and Secondary students will be provided with a school laptop for years 7-12.