
Get Involved


We are seeking donations for the Chocolate Wheel, Gift Baskets, Kids Corner, and Second Hand Clothing & Book Stalls. The Ex-Students' Association Stall is also looking for green thumbs who can donate seeds, seedlings and plants. Please see below for more details.

Gift Baskets & Chocolate Wheel

Second Hand Clothing (All)

Second Hand Books (All)

Lollies (Year 5)

Craft Items (Year 6)

Beads & Bracelets (All)

Plants (All / Ex-Students)

Drop Off Dates & Times


As with all major events, many hands make light work, and we couldn’t do it without our volunteer army. Sign up for a shift or two with your friends or take the opportunity to meet new people. We have allocated year groups to some of the stalls so you have the opportunity to work with other parents who have a daughter in the same year.

Volunteer Signup Links:

All Years

Loreto Normanhurst.
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