The best thing I experienced as a boarder was making friends with girls from across Australia. This showed me the different experiences girls in the country have compared to me on the coast.
Boarding FAQs
Why choose Loreto Normanhurst boarding for your daughter?
- Our Mission and Ethos
- Our Ignatian spirituality and sense of community
- Holistic learning and Pastoral Care
- Extra-Curricular opportunities
- Partnership
- Resilience
- Grit
- Proximity to the Sydney CBD and all the offerings of our beautiful city
- Close to public transport
- Our facilities and Campus
- Our new boarding school
Faith within boarding at Loreto Normanhurst?
The boarders begin the week with Mass or a Liturgy on Sunday evening. The boarders can be part of the Choir, prepare prayers, be Eucharistic Ministers. It is a wonderful time to come together as a whole community, enjoy the stillness of the Chapel and celebrate being a boarder at Loreto.
When is the best time to start boarding at Loreto Normanhurst?
The benefits of earlier entry need to be considered. Our major intake is in Year 7 when students are starting secondary school and are all 'in it together'. They are all starting their learning and friendship journey together and the bonds made at this stage provide for a easier long term journey. "
Who boards at Loreto Normanhurst?
The Boarding School welcomes students from the Sydney basin, country NSW, interstate and Australian expatriate families. Over 85% of boarders come from country NSW.
How many boarders are there?
Loreto Normanhurst welcomes 220 Boarders.
What are the benefits of a large boarding school?
As the majority of our boarders reside in remote and/or rural NSW there is always a high number of resident boarders over the weekends and a good source of company for one another. Having larger numbers within each year level provides individual students the flexibility to explore a range of friendships.
How does Loreto Normanhurst integrate girls into the boarding experience?
Prior to commencement:
All new boarders and their parents will experience 2 separate opportunities to immerse themselves in the LN boarding community. Some of what you can look forward to; boarder sleepovers, various boarder appointments (including uniform fittings) to get to know your daughter better, parent events for you to make connections and build your community.
Start of Term One:
- Buddy System: A vibrant buddy system providing inter-year relationships between the day and Boarding School, guidance and friendly support from the get-go!
- Mentoring Program: A mentoring program to find connection with a senior boarder who acts as an ‘older sister’ within the boarding community.
- Counseling Services: A team of professionals who remain connected to your daughters throughout their journey at Loreto Normanhurst. Every new student will meet the counselling team to learn about the services available to them as a Loreto Normanhurst Boarder.
How will I find my way around the boarding school and day school when I arrive?
All new girls are allocated buddies to help their move to a new school. In Boarding you will have also have a Boarder Buddy to help find your way around and meet new friends and staff, and a Day School Buddy to help get to classes and extra-curricular activities.
What does Sport look like for boarders at Loreto Normanhurst?
The Loreto Normanhurst Sport program is grounded on encouraging widespread participation with the aim to create student pathways to be lifelong participants in sport and recreation. Sport is compulsory for all students, day or boarding, in years 7-10.
What will my daughter do on the weekend?
Loreto Normanhurst has extensive grounds and facilities available to the girls if they are staying on site.
Year 7 and 8 engage with a compulsory recreation program which includes a range of on and off-site activities. On some weekends, non-compulsory activities will be organised for all Boarders to participate in.
Saturday team sport is compulsory for Boarders in Year 7 to 10.
There are movie nights and year group activities. Older girls make arrangements to travel into town with friends and of course there are plenty of opportunities for catching up on school work after a busy week.
The school also has compulsory Commitment and Community Weekends one weekend each term where your daughter will participate in community building activities, excursions and events.
What happens if a boarder is sick?
The onsite Mary Ward Health Centre provides access to nurses and counsellors who assist with the holistic care of the Boarders.
The nurse attends the Boarders in the boarding school for medication early in the morning and the evening, as well as presenting wellbeing programs around nutrition, hygiene and personal development.
The Counselling team support the Boarding School staff to deliver wellbeing programs as well as providing services in times of stress for the Boarders.
All of the Boarder’s medical needs are met by the nurses in our health centre. They care for the girls on a daily basis and will be in contact with families if their daughter is unwell.
The Mary Ward Health Centre hours are 7:00am - 9:00pm, Monday to Friday and 4 hours each on Saturday and Sunday.
What about if my daughter needs to see a specialist such as a physio or orthodontist?
Normanhurst is in an area well served by two hospitals and a variety of specialists. Younger girls are assisted in attending appointments and older girls can get there by train or bus. We encourage the use of local professionals in the Hornsby or Pennant Hills area.
What about technology?
Boarders hand their computers in each night until the end of Year 10 and they hand their phones in until the end of Year 11. This is in line with all best research and assists the girls in learning how to manage their technology and get a good night's sleep, undisturbed by messages and notifications.
The computer issued by the School and one phone and SIM are the only technology the girls have while in boarding.
How does Leave work?
Leave is entered and approved, by boarders, parents and staff through REACH. Leave is age appropriate and increases with age and experience. Younger boarders are supported by staff for outings and attendance at appointments. Older boarders travel with friends, or with appropriate permissions, are able to travel by themselves to attend appointments and on leave. There is a chart with all leave allocations on it available to parents and boarders.
Can my daughter take leave whenever she wants?
Leave allocations are generous with only one compulsory weekend in per term. It is expected that all boarders will be in from Friday afternoon to Monday morning on this weekend. Leave after school mid-week is closely monitored and is usually only in exceptional circumstances. Leave is allocated in an age appropriate way and transport arrangements for leave must be adhered to. The boarders have an incredibly busy program and the allocated study times are an important part of their program. Dinner leave is for special occasions and should be irregular, in particular if study is being missed.
Are there lounge rooms for the boarders to gather?
Each age group has a common room that the boarders access for afternoon tea and other social gatherings.
How does the food service work?
Just like the family kitchen, the Dining Room provides a welcoming meeting place to enjoy a meal, study during exams or have a meeting. Breakfast and dinner during the week are in the Dining Room and on weekend all meals are taken here. During the week, dinner tables are arranged vertically (Year 7-12) and the Year 12 Table Head takes great pride in her running of the table. Games, dress up nights and theme nights are arranged by the Table Head to add to the camaraderie of the dinner sitting.
What is the food like?
Chartwells provide a well-balanced menu for the boarders. The menu runs on a four-week cycle and is dietitian approved. A new menu is provided each term. The boarders have access to snack foods in common rooms for afternoon tea and supper. Morning tea and lunch on weekdays is collected by the boarders and then they head out to enjoy this with their friends. Lunch has a hot option as well as salad and cold meat choices. Dinner provides a number of choices for the boarders including meat and vegetarian options. Special diet options are also available. Breakfast is served from 6:30am to ensure the early sport teams have access to food. Dinner is served between 5:30pm and 6:30pm and provides an opportunity for the boarders to come together every evening.
How do Boarders do their laundry?
Laundry is done off site three times a week.
Each dorm has access to a washing machine and dryer for delicate and emergency washes.
Who supports the Boarders academically and pastorally?
The Boarding Coordinator cares for your daughter and is available from 3:00pm. They are the regular contacts for you for all day-to-day issues that may arise for boarding students. There are Assistants and GAP students to help as well.
The Boarding Heads of House assist the Coordinators in the smooth running of the dorm and are available for academic support and when pastoral issues are impacting on the girls' wellbeing. Of an evening, tutors from a range of subject areas come to the boarding school to help the girls when they need it.
There are nurses and counsellors available after hours for support when required.
The Academic Care Manager closely monitors the progress of all boarders, works closely with the day school and is contact with parents when required.
What if my daughter is coming from a smaller school and may require help with adjusting to the academic work load?
Academic Mentors are responsible for their incoming Year 7, 8 and 9 mentees from Orientation, as a supportive presence and a friendly contact point until they start the following year. This role offers new boarders with both a pastoral and academic ‘big sister’, allowing them to have someone they can meet with multiple times in any one week. The Mentors support the younger students by guiding and modeling the development of effective time management and study skills as they transition into secondary schooling, and by providing examples of positive and acceptable choices to their mentee and younger boarders.
While they can be a social support, spending afternoon time or weekend time together in games, swimming, walking or excursions down the hill or even taking their mentee to appointments, the program allows them to get to know each other, where they are from, their family unit, birthdays, interests, hobbies, school activities, sport choices and weekend activities.
The Mentor Program enables the development of happy and authentic relationships, supporting students to grow into young Loreto Normanhurst women, exploring what brings them joy, what will enable them to be the best person they can be, whilst staying true to themselves.
As such, the relationship between Academic Mentors and junior boarders can be continued throughout Year 7 and into Year 8 with the senior girls modelling successful academic skills and positive attitudes to learning and assisting the junior girls to themselves become independent and reflective learners.