
Boarding FAQs


Boarding FAQs

Why choose Loreto Normanhurst boarding for your daughter?

Faith within boarding at Loreto Normanhurst?

When is the best time to start boarding at Loreto Normanhurst?

Who boards at Loreto Normanhurst?

How many boarders are there?

What are the benefits of a large boarding school?

How does Loreto Normanhurst integrate girls into the boarding experience?

How will I find my way around the boarding school and day school when I arrive?

What does Sport look like for boarders at Loreto Normanhurst?

What will my daughter do on the weekend?

What happens if a boarder is sick?

What about if my daughter needs to see a specialist such as a physio or orthodontist?

What about technology?

How does Leave work?

Can my daughter take leave whenever she wants?

Are there lounge rooms for the boarders to gather?

How does the food service work?

What is the food like?

How do Boarders do their laundry?

Who supports the Boarders academically and pastorally?

What if my daughter is coming from a smaller school and may require help with adjusting to the academic work load?

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